Making some serious changes.
I have finally bitten the bullet and decided to copy all my important files accross to a backup share on another machine in my house and then to install Vista Ultimate on a 80GB partition and then Ubuntu on the remaining 70GB with a 20GB data drive formated with FAT 32 so i can easily port files between the two systems (or more to the point get files from Linux to Vista). This is a significant change from my previous 20GB installation of Ubuntu but I think it will be well worth the work. I have had no problems that I haven't been able to fix on Ubuntu, its far less resource intensive with more eye candy then Vista and its free so why not let it have a large chunk of my hard drive. So why have I given Vista so much if I am finding Ubuntu so good? It all comes down to the fact that I have to fit bloatware on the Vista partition. Things that take up so much room. I got my previous installation of Ubuntu working on less then 7GB fully install and setup with all the applications I need. Vista just doesn't come anywhere near that. It takes about 15 - 18 GB to get setup with everything I need on Vista which is a pain.
The next question I have to ask myself before I go and install Ubuntu is what flavor do I want? I have tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu and I think I like Ubuntu more. It just seems that I can get things work more easily and the graphics settings and appearance that I like just seem to work better with Gnome.
Also I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but there seems to be a cult nature about KDE. Every second application that is designed for KDE starts with "K". I don't really like that. I know that probably sounds lame but thats just the way I feel.
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