Sunday, June 3, 2007

Back Track 2 Progress

I have fully downloaded the ISO for Back Track 2. I burnt it in Fedora which was very easy all I needed to do was insert a CD or DVD (I used a DVD) and double click on the file where it prompted me to burn it.

I then tried out the burnt disk (which only took about 30 seconds to write because it was a DVD) on a laptop and it booted just fine. I was surprised at just how many security tools are in Back Track 2. Its quite amazing. It does however run the KDE desktop which from past experiance (about a year and a half ago) I'm not a major fan of. I can be swayed though and if I use Back Track enough I might just be swayed. I only had a few minutes play around on it but it is very stylish and despite its "hacker" links its by no means all command line stuff.

If I can't get Ubuntu working on my USB I might just put it on there with a FAT partition to save my files to and use that instead.

When I have a look through some more of its features I'll post more on it.

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