Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sreen Shots for Ubuntu and the Concept of Workspaces

Work spaces are like multiple desktops on one screen on Windows. A lot of students at me school used to use multiple desktops to switch between windows with work on them (when the teacher was nearby) and games.

You can have multiple desktops set up and you can switch between them by just using the buttons at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

With Beryl and Emerald themes installed you can add tones of eye candy to your desktop, more so than even in Windows Vista and with more functionality. It would take ages to explain but if you goto beryl-project.org you can learn more.

I just thought I would post some screen shots of me working from Ubuntu with Beryl.

Example of my multiple workspaces on a Hexagon (I have 6 workspaces)

Example of Windows that I'm not using fading into the desktop. I have the number of bright windows set to two though so I can watch a movie and work on something else at the same time without affecting the look of the movie.

Example of the workspaces on a cube from just above.

Watching a movie on one screen with the other clear. (The desktop background is stretched across the two monitors - a feet very fiddly and difficult to achieve in Windows)

Button actions (from right to left)

the 'x' : close (same as Windows)
the '<>' : maximize (same as Windows)
the '_' : minimize (same as Windows)
the :: or . : lock to screen (when . it will display on all workspaces)
the '^' : keep above other windows (That would have been so useful when doing some assignments)

the '-' : shade window (turn it into a floating bar on the desktop - kind of like minimize but floating)

the other button just brings up the window menu.

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