Monday, June 4, 2007

The switch...

Ok.... I have run Ubuntu live before so I knew that it was a distro. I god fed up with Fedora 7. Everything that I wanted needed configuring, re-configuring and then when I'm done with that I need to do that every time I start up or write scripts to do otherwise.

So, fed up Fedora I whipped it and replaced it with Ubuntu which was so smart that when I installed it didn't even ask me about my boot options it figured out that my main partion on my main hard drive was Vista. That was pretty awesome I thought.

I have since then got, mp3s, m4as and other sound files working. (It just prompted me to press a couple of buttons to download and install the appropriate codecs)

Time to do on Fedora: Several hours

Time to do on Ubuntu: Several Seconds

I have since got dual monitor working and Beryl, fixed my Gtk problem in Mono (which was due I think to rpm conflicts).

Dual monitor fix for me took a little while but it was only possible because of the kind help of my software design teacher, who also caused me to work with the wrong resolution for an hour making it very hard for me to get working, but without his help on the dual monitor problem I don't think I would have been able to fix it.

How to get dual monitor working on a NVIDIA dual head card: (Should work for Fedora too)

Install the NVIDA drivers. There is an easy way to trigger the correct install.

Goto System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects

Select Desktop Effects

After it has finished installing:

De-select Desktop Effects

You can get Beryl working latter which makes desktop effects look like the shell.

Goto Terminal
Type sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview --mode=1680x1050 --mode=1280x1024 (replace the resolutions with your resolutions)
Goto Terminal
Type sudo gedit
Open \etx\X11\xorg.config (or where ever your xorg.config file is)
Add A line under "Section Screen" reading: Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-1, CRT-0" (If one is connected by DVI and the other by CRT otherwise use "DFT-0, DFP-1" or "CRT-0, CRT-1" - you can probably skip this step if your monitors both use DVI or VGA)

Hold Down ctrl+alt+backspace

If the monitors aren't the right way around:

Goto Terminal
Type sudo gedit
Open \etx\X11\xorg.config (or where ever your xorg.config file is)
Add A line under "Section Screen" reading: Option "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"

Hold DOwn ctrl+alt+backspace

If the monitors are still the wrong way around then change "LeftOf" to "RightOf"

Hope that helps someone!

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