Friday, June 1, 2007

Fedora 7 Install

I am currently installing Fedora 7 which was released on the 31st of May. I hope to have it completely installed by the end of this evening. I have opted to download the rescue disk and then install from HTTP which is much better I thin because to my understanding each package is checked as it is downloaded and if one package is corrupted then it will be re-downloaded where as if I get a corrupted ISO image then its a whole 700M I have to download again.

I would be downloading from my ISP's mirror but at the moment the server isn't responding so I have opted to download from

I have also set up another test box in my room which is not connected to my network (at the moment) just to test out those micro distributions of Linux such as DSL.

I would also be interested in security related distributions of Linux such as PHLAK but unfortunately that project is no longer alive.
A link on the PHLAK site did however catch my eye and I would be interested in using a Live distribution of Linux called "Back Track 2". This is not so much because I want to hack other peoples computers but because I have had quite an interest in security related systems and would like to better understand how such systems work.

As it runs live it would also be another interesting distro of Linux to put on a flash drive.

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