Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sorting out the nitty gritty with Fedora 7.

I have spent some time getting Fedora 7 working with all the bits and bobs that I need working. So far so good. After configuring yum with

"rpm -Uvh"

(yum if you don't know is a package installer that runs from various repositories like "apt" and "apt-get" from Debian based systems such as Ubuntu - see ) I have been able to download and install mp3 decoders which work for Totem as per

I can read my NTFS filesystem now and access my Windows files but I haven't been able figure out how to mount it so it appears in "Computer". I think it has something to do with "/media/". If anyone knows please leave a comment as I would like to get that working.

I also need to figure out how to get mono installed so I can get on with programming. It would be nice to submit my next programming assignments knowing that the source has been completely written and compiled on Fedora.

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