Friday, June 1, 2007

Fedora 7 is Installed

I have finished installing Fedora (well actually I did quite some time ago but I have been playing around and havn't posted yet).

I like it. Everything is very responsive and everything is loaded almost instantly when I login which is good.

I can access my NTFS partition and I intend to do my assignments this weekend on Fedora. I have to say thing don't "just work" quite as much with Fedora but all the same I suppose it is making me understand Linux a bit better. I have to say I am picking it up pretty quickly though which is good from perspective.

I like it how it also show live thumbnails just like Vista (I suspect (know) Microsoft got the idea from Linux distros though).

My only real problem at the moment is getting mp3s to play everything else works fine which is good. I am however making good use of though. I have got each folder stayin in the same window when I open it now instead of spawning new windows.

Its done by going to the browse then edit -> preferences -> behavior and then checking always open in browser windows. This wasn't really where I would have expected it. I went looking is System -> Preferences but now I think about it its very logical and easy to access to preferences.

I have yet to get dual monitor which goes by the name "dual head" under System -> Administration -> Display but it says when I logout and log back in again it should work.

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